Web Engineering [WE]
12 MonthsOur Web Engineering Course is the application of systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches to development, operation, and maintenance of Web- based applications. It is both a pro-active approach and a growing collection of theoretical and empirical research in Web application development
Web Engineering (12 months)
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page's words and images for the user. Each individual markup code is referred to as an element (but many people also refer to it as a tag). Some elements come in pairs that indicate when some display effect is to begin and when it is to end.
A cascading style sheet (CSS) is a Web page derived from multiple sources with a defined order of precedence where the definitions of any style element conflict. The Cascading Style Sheet, level 1 (CSS1) recommendation from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is implemented in the latest versions of the Netscape and Microsoft Web browsers, specifies the possible style sheets or statements that may determine how a given element is presented in a Web page.
A comprehensive Web site authoring program for Windows and Mac from Adobe. Dreamweaver is a sophisticated authoring package that enables the HTML programmer to build complex interactive Web sites using HTML, JavaScript and server-side programming languages. It is not a wizzywig program, allowing the user to drag and drop images on any part of the page. In fact, many common Web elements are best coded in HTML, and Dreamweaver immediately renders the code in a design window. Prebuilt templates provide rudimentary foundations for creating Web pages. Dreamweaver was originally developed by Macromedia, which was acquired by Adobe in 2005.
A bootstrap is the program that initializes the operating system (OS) during startup. The term bootstrap or bootstrapping originated in the early 1950s. It referred to a bootstrap load button that was used to initiate a hardwired bootstrap program, or smaller program that executed a larger program such as the OS.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows web developers to add extra functionality to their websites. It is open source and provided for free under the MIT license. jQuery can also work with Ajax code and scripting languages, such as PHP and ASP to access data from a database.
A widely used programming language that is embedded in most Web pages. Supported by all Web browsers, it enables interactive functions to be added to Web pages, which are otherwise static. JavaScript evolved from Netscape's LiveScript language. JavaScript Is Plain Text JavaScript source code is plain text that resides between Begin-Script and End-Script HTML tags in the Web page. Along with myriad other functions, JavaScript is used to enable interactive page elements such as navigation buttons and drop-down menus. It is also used to identify the page to analytics servers that capture traffic statistics.
PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Angular Js
AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write.
MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use
WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today
Node Js
Node. js (Node) is an open source development platform for executing JavaScript code server-side.js is intended to run on a dedicated HTTP server and to employ a single thread with one process at a time. Node. js applications are event-based and run asynchronously
Adobe Photoshop
A popular high-end image editor for the Macintosh and Windows from Adobe. The original Mac versions were the first to bring affordable image editing down to the personal computer level in the late 1980s. Since then, Photoshop has become the de facto standard in image editing. Although it contains a large variety of image editing features, one of Photoshop's most powerful capabilities is layers, which allows images to be rearranged under and over each other for placement. Photoshop is designed to read from and convert to a raft of graphics formats, but uses its own native format for layers (.PSD extension)
Project Work
Project Work refers to all of the assignments, products, and projects that students complete to demonstrate what they have learned. Student work could include creative designs, research papers, essays, presentations, tests, videos, and portfolios, among many other potential products.